touch of harmony...

touch of harmony...

Ayurveda - What is it?

The science or art of living a healthy life

My curiosity was piqued when I came across two alternative medicines that competed with them secretly and especially more in my head than in reality.

First, the ancient Japanese Art, Jin Shin Jyutsu, about 8000 years old medicine transmitted in an oral format through generations and only "theorized" about 100 years ago in a written way.


Jin Shin Jyutsu, The Art of creativity through touch healing...

Ayurveda called for my name and all varieties of treatments that claim to be the mother of modern medicine with a medical system developed over 5000 years were joining the other previous knowledge I had about Healing and Harmony.




The Art of Ayurveda promotes a total balance and happiness life based on 8 key points so you can enjoy health and longevity. The aim is defined by:

"Maintaining the health of the healthy and heal the suffering of the sick"


1) The daily practice that commonly called routine: respect for the cycles of sleep, balanced diet, work, leisure etc. ...
BENEFITS - find your own balance.

2) Ritucharya: routine according to the seasons - seasonal changes and challenges of day-to-day
BENEFITS - maintain the equilibrium of the elements that make us up.

3) Meditation: Being in the moment and be with our surroundings and our inner world that gradually becomes accessible during meditative state.
BENEFITS - Sit down and relax.

4) Ahar (food): All food has a medicinal value. Therefore, foods, plants and minerals can have a preventive and curative.
BENEFITS - Health and disease are directly dependent on the proper functioning of ingestion, digestion, absorption and metabolism. It depends on our Agni (digestive capacity / digestive fire) and appropriate use of food eaten.

5) Shallow (flavors): the nervous system decodes the ingested food according to the taste produced. The flavor itself has therapeutic properties according to the energy it contains.
BENEFITS: production of digestive enzymes, hormones and other substances.

6) Physical Activity: Practice sports, tours, massages and yoga.
BENEFITS: Eliminates toxins, tones and relaxes the body.

7) Yoga: Mind and body control in order to achieve higher levels of consciousness through positions (Asanas), mindful breathing (pranayama) and sung or thought sounds (mantras).
BENEFITS: Perfect health and inner strength to overcome the accumulated stresses of day-to-day.

8) Panchakarma: Deep detoxification and restoration of cellular metabolism.
(do not do this at home but in a specific place, surrounded by professionals)

9) Medicinal herbs: Applied through ingestion in massage (oil, fumes etc ...)
BENEFITS: biochemical properties, and spiritual energy.

10) Aromatherapy: Use of flowers, herbs and incense
BENEFITS: Purification of the environment and balance of body and mind.

11) Rasayana: Ayurvedic Therapies aiming to rejuvenate the body.


Ayurveda Modern World Ayurveda in Modern World

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