touch of harmony...

touch of harmony...

Ayurveda - Tridosha System

The system tridosha is the interpretation of the three types of moods which are, according to Ayurveda, representing every each one as a particular pattern of energy. In its elegant shape (state of equilibrium - Pakruti): the combination of physical and mental characteristics that defines us is with us until our death.

However, due to internal and external influences, we actually are in a state of imbalance (vikruti) and this leaves marks on our original constitution.

Everything is pure energy. Our body is the proof. Thus, the functions of our body are met because there is an Intelligence inside us that knows how to fully move the energy that we are for the body to accomplish his purpose. The vital fluids and nutrients reaching the cells that are metabolized in the feed.

The system tridosha as the name indicates is based on three doshas (psychophysical characteristics present in a unique way in each) (Sanskrit translation: "one that decays") which may be:

- Mono types> predominating a certain type of Dosha
- Two types of> combination of two types
- Of equal types> 3 types in equal measures (very rare)




VATA - energy of motion

Space + Wind
characteristics: dry, cold, fickle, light, subtle, swift, agile, rough

People with low emotional stability reflected in your sleep and irregular appetite. Being very active by nature are also creative and a little restless.
In lack of harmony, stay with joint pain and intestinal disorders. Furthermore, they have a tendency to depression, insomnia, phobias (due to anxiety / restlessness) and fears.
Their slender bodies are defined by the protrusion of bone and sinew.

They mostly require calm activities, warmth, soothing music and sweet scents.



PITTA - energy of digestion

Fire + Water
characteristics: hot, penetrating fluid, moist, slightly oily, acid

People with great intellectual capacity and professional performance. Have a strong personality and are generally inflexible (business leaders, and especially of his own life). Your sleep is deep and in a few hours is quickly rested. Their appetite and digestion is immense and tend to easily sweat. They have tendency to violence due to feelings of irritability by events of everyday life are your biggest imbalance.
Their bodies proportions medias have the warm extremities.

Elements require cold foods fresh, light, floral aromas and moderate activities outdoors.



KAPHA - energy of structure

Water + Earth
features: heavy, cold, steady, slow, inert, oily, sweet, soft, slimy

People who like to enjoy life and every moment that gives you with calm and forbearance. Quite thoughtful, are unmoved by the pressures of the outside world.
The appetite and digestion are slow, and tend to gain weight. Also, they reflect a certain passivity in terms of responsibilities and tend to laziness and sleep.
Their bodies are robust and their greasy hair and strong.
Need food spicy, light and acids that are low in fat. It is advisable for vigorous exercise for your balance.

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